Sunday 24 October 2010

Darrell’s Advertent £9.50 Sun Holiday in Mudeford – Part 8 – Crabs.

 Picture 705
I have never seen so many people with crabs on a Sunday, ever! Finding space along Mudeford Quay this morning to enjoy the vista was nigh on impossible for people with huge buckets, crabbing lines and various bits of spam, bacon and other weird baits that I couldn’t identify, with which to lure the insuspecting creatures with.
Picture 781
I would have liked to have had a go, but I didn’t have a line and I didn’t really like to push Lucy, just in case there were any crabs as well as sharks in "Jaws". She’d already had a funny turn in one of the clothes shops in Christchurch that we went in, dashing out off very quickly when we ventured upstairs! 
Picture 731
However, I very much enjoyed looking in other peoples buckets and admiring their catches, to be honest I think I would be a bit frightened of being nipped, with their clicky clacky claws if I really caught one

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

They look scary but far too small to eat. I imagine they look much bigger to a small monkey. "Quiero comer cangrejo" means "I want to eat crab."