Saturday 19 May 2012

Best Kept Village–Darrell Doing His Bit!

Best kept Village Competition
Darrell spotted this poster on the village noticeboard and came home fired with a robust enthusiasm …… and he says ............ “A brilliant idea!” ….
Village Eyesore
To the side of Chateau Castle Greyskull we have a gross monstrosity, which we have christened The Tardis, ….. we were told it would only there for a month or two….. but after more years than we care to remember it’s still very much in situ…..
Best kept Village
“I have a vision for our aberration” Darrell declared dramatically in a flurry of artistic temperament  “And this is but Stage One!” He then disappeared into the garage amidst  a great clanging, to reappear with a step ladder, tin of paint, a large paint brush and Andy in tow ……
Village Eyesore.
Our side of The Tardis is now a vibrant blue …… Darrell is keeping Stage Two of his plan very close to his chest ….. I just hope it isn’t going to be Muriel!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great idea, the paint! Have you looked inside? Now if it really was THE Tardis, there is no end to the adventures awaiting!! Imagination running rampant here, Dianne

Mr.D said...

No doubt the man from the council will be coming round complaining about the wrong colour paint - watch out!

marc said...

its a nice blue very Moroccan looking big love Marc