Thursday 14 September 2017

A Room ……. With A View!!!

Hank, Marvin, Sammy and Norm have now all left to return home, leaving just  us. We were perhaps a little remiss in not taking any pictures, but it just didn’t seem right at the time ….. there were too many people to hug, tears to wipe away, and noses to blow, coupled with the fervent promises sandwiched in between to do it all again this time next year ……. therefore we will leave it here and simply say ……… it was emotional!
IMG_4569And, so as not to pylon any more agony than is absolutely necessary and help lighten the mood a little ………
IMG_4567……. we give you, instead, a picture of the glorious view from our room which we have all come to embrace, what are we like?


Mr.D said...

I'm sure you will remember this pylon/car park sight with great affection and many fond memories.

Mr.D said...

P.S. I hope all is well with Dianne in Florida, after hurricane Irma.

marc said...

its been lovely reading all about ones little get together you all are amazing and seem to have had so much fun one would have loved to have been there with you but one could not so one has had the next best thing living the dream through your wonderful posts big air kiss and show biz wave Hugh

Mrs A. said...

We only had the Tarmac of the cat Rk yo look at. We was robbed. Hugs Sammy and Norm.

Anonymous said...

Nice! JantheFan x