Friday 15 December 2017

Nothing Lasts Forever …….

……. And that is especially true of snowmen …….
IMG_6039Poor Nigel has really taken to heart the fall out left behind by the melting of the snow  ………
…… all those snowmen lovingly fashioned amidst family togetherness and laugher ….. just for the pure joy  and excitement snow brings.
It’s hard to know what to say to him when at the end of it all, all that remains are a carrot, two unidentifiable pieces of fruit or vegetable and a handful of bottle caps lying in someone’s front garden ………


Mr.D said...

Nobody mention giant walk in fridges to Nigel! He will want to keep the snowmen for ever.

Dianne said...

Poor Nigel, one of life's difficult truths that snowmen come and go.......saw a story about a lady who makes real snow miniature snowmen and has a special freezer to keep them all in!......that's snowman Frosty, he'll be back again someday dear Nigel.....Snowman Love, Dianne

Anonymous said...

We're walking in the air............